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  • January 20th, 2011

    Drug Test For Marijuana

    Know about drug test for marijuana.

    Marijuana- a highest consume drug in United States as well as all over the world. It is strongest drug among all illicit substances. Marijuana has several other names like pot, street, weed etc. However, first name is more popular among teens and youths. Most of the teens fail to understand severity of drugs and their aftereffects. Just for the sake of momentary fun they go with drugs and destroy whole life. In the case of marijuana drug, its substances remain inside the body for longer period of time. Or you can say almost life time. Marijuana metabolites are fat soluble substance and stored inside the fat cells. That is the reason; removing marijuana is quite difficult process.

    However, main concern arises when its time for drug test marijuana. Marijuana traces remain stored at kidney and bladder. They extracted into blood stream and pass though urine. For the reason, urine testing is chief source of detecting marijuana metabolites existence. Urine testing is one of the best and cheapest forms of screening. Result you got from urine testing are quite match with that of GC/MS test. Now there are home base drug testing kits are also available. With them you can easily know drug metabolic count. Other than urine testing, there are some other drug testing methods too. Saliva and hair drug testing are two novel ways of THC detection. Each screening method comes with some pros and cons. So by considering budgetary requirements, accuracy, time frame etc. chose appropriate screening method.

    Each screening method comes with its own detection time period. Though there are so many factors which are directly or indirectly leaves effect on detection period. Body weight, mass, drug metabolic value, smoking history etc are few main influencing factors on this detection. Actually, there is no plain answer for detection period. Another factor which defines drug detection period is sensitivity. Normally, detection time of blood drug test is up to 12-24 hours provided it is single time use. For chronic users of marijuana, blood detection time frame is 7 days max. To pass a drug test, adopt complete body detoxification. Proper detoxification removes drug metabolites from body. If, you have little more time in hand, then you can also goes with home remedies for passing drug test.

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