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  • February 16th, 2011

    Drug Test Hair Pot

    Home drug test hair pot

    In a drug test hair pot, hair sample is taken but cutting off some hair very close to the scalp. Hair color is applied to the hair externally, whereas the hair drug test is conducted to test presence of drugs at the root of the hair. Results of a drug test are by no means affected by hair color. Just a few strands of hair are needed to test drugs in hair. A drug test hair pass proven is one of the most tested drug tests to detect presence of toxins in hair sample. Chances of tampering with hair sample are lesser as compared to a urine sample in which various methods are adopted to dilute or tamper with the sample. Drug test hair pass proven rightly identifies a user of a particular drug.

    As compared to urinalysis, hair testing proves to be far more effective as compared to any other drug test. Home remedies are considered the best, if you have sufficient time on hand before the drug test. What most people seek is effective products which can help them pass a drug testing procedure. Efforts can be made to flush out toxins from the body by drinking lots of cranberry juice, strawberry and acai berry juice, water as well as diuretics like cider vinegar, coffee and tea which help in speeding up the process of eliminating water from the body system. Once a particular drug is consumed it can take at least four to five days for the drug to affect the hair, which grows above the scalp.

    In case sufficient hair is not available on the scalp, then hair sample from another body part is taken for a drug test hair pot testing. However to pass a drug test, people still put in a lot of effort to wash hair with medicated shampoos, serums, conditioners etc. thinking that the toxins will get washed off easily. Another thing to do to pass a drug test is take along with you hair sample of another person who is much cleaner than you as far as drug intake is concerned and present it for the drug test. If the authorities are not very strict the chance of beating the drug test are much higher. One thing is for sure, in such a case, and that is you have to be really lucky.

    How to pass