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  • December 24th, 2010

    Drug Test Hair Virginia

    Read about drug test hair Virginia.

    A hair drug test is considered to be the most accurate method of determining the use of illegal drugs. Hair drug test can totally be relied upon as they give effective results and detect the use of drugs within a specified detection window. Some people attempt to circumvent a hair follicle drug test by shaving off their heads but this wont work as in absence of hair on the head, hair on any other part of the body can be used as a substitute. Failing to provide a sample can be the grounds for many negative consequences. Drug screening Washington state info is available for those who need to know about the drug testing procedures there. Read more about drug test hair Virginia below.

    If you consume drugs, the toxin levels are likely to increase in the system. As these levels increases the drugs and drug metabolites are encased in the hair shafts. The longer the hair, the longer will be history of drug use detected by screening the specimen. On an average the human grows at the rate of 0.5 inch per month. Generally drug testing laboratory require 50-80 strands of hair measuring 2.5-4 cm in length to detect the use that can go years back. The sample can effectively detect the use of drugs 3 months ago.

    The sample that is obtained from the subjects is then cut into smaller pieces. They are then soaked in a solvent that will result in some of the metabolites going into suspension. The mixture is then separated by a centrifuge and the sample is then subjected to technical analysis. There is no way to escape a hair drug test protocol. Instead one should be prepared to pass drug test. Passing a hair drug test is possible with the aid of detox shampoos and conditioners. These shampoos claim to remove all the toxins from the shaft and you will be able to provide a clean sample. The shampoos can effectively mask the drug metabolites and remain totally undetectable claims the manufacturers. The choice is yours, stop doing drugs or be ready to spend lots for such products!

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