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  • November 17th, 2010

    Drug Test Passing Myths And Facts

    Read about drug test passing myths and facts

    In an intention that you have to pass the test, you will try all the possible ideas that you know. However, trying every idea you will pass the test is not a fact. You should go only for those that will really work. To choose only those ideas you should be aware of what are the drug test passing myths and facts. In this article you will find some commonly misunderstood myths and facts about drug tests.

    Trying myths will not let you pass the test instead; they might drag you to more trouble. You should also know some fact about a drug test.
    Here are some facts about a drug test:

    A. Hair drug test can detect drugs up to three months because hair grows at a speed of one to half inch an month. Drug residue is collected right from the root of the hair which ids difficult to clean manually. This is the reason why thc hair testing is conducted.

    B. Urine drug test is less invasive than blood test but it can easily let you pass the test. It is easy to carry out and the set up cost is also low.

    Apart from some fact, it is important to know some myths about a drug test. Here is a list of some myths of drug test:

    A. Cocaine is clean and pure in its natural form: this is a common and popular myth about cocaine. This drug is not easily available in its natural form, because it is mixed with several other products that make it addictive and also harmful to health.

    B. Red meat increases creatinine: To reduce dilution which comes from drinking excess of water, people eat a lot of red meat, believing that it will increase the level of creatinine in the body. Well, this is not a proved fact.

    These were some most commonly know myths about pass drug test, so, next time when you go for a drug test, then take care of these myths.

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