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  • November 9th, 2010

    Drug Test Resuts For Marijuana

    Read about drug test resuts for marijuana.

    With the advent of drug testing at workplaces and schools, several methods to pass a drug test are being put forth. Many of the employees are revolting against the drug screening taking place randomly at their workplaces as they fear getting a false positive result and loosing their jobs. Marijuana is an illicit drug with highest number of positives in drug screening at workplace. Abusers as well as non abusers fear this drug test protocol.

    Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in United States. The smoke affects the innocent by standers too and they also get a false positive in the screening for marijuana. This is the case of second hand smoking or passive smoking. In case of drug test marijuana 30 days ago use can also be detected. Marijuana is the only drug that stays in the system for about 90 days. The period of time during which THC, a metabolite of marijuana stays in the system depends upon a number of factors. Body mass, rate of metabolism and frequency and quantity of marijuana smoked are some of the factors.

    Generally urine drug testing is conducted to detect the presence of THC in the urine indicating the use of marijuana. The breakdown products of THC can be detected in the urine days or weeks after stopping the use of marijuana, depending on an occasional or chronic use. Urine tests are the best ways to detect the use of marijuana in the past. The THC gets stored in the fatty tissues of the systems and remains traceable for a longer period of time.

    Urine drug tests are highly accurate in case if the lab authorities are apt, responsible and conduct the test carefully. Marijuana drug test is difficult to pass if you are called for a hair drug test. Drinking a lot of water and fluids can help you pass a drug test. Dilution will detoxify the system and make it free from the residues of marijuana. Exercising will also help. It will increase the metabolism of the system burning the fat cells and thus releasing THC in the urine which will be ultimately flushed out from the body. This should be done for atleast a week priop to the test so as to pass a drug test.

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