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  • December 24th, 2010

    Drug Testing For Student Athletes

    Read more for drug testing for student athletes

    In today’s word exposure for drugs and other illicit substances is quite large. School going children’s and teenagers has hidden attraction for drugs and alcohol. In that tender age they tend to ignore the severe side effects of drug on their life and their overall future career. Unfortunately many times drug testing for student athletes comes with the shocking recent. Though it is very controversial topic and involves several different aspects in it, you simply can not ignore the severity of this issue. Parents, educators feel drug testing is humiliating and invading their personal space. On the other hand side said that it is more than necessary thing. Each side comes with the strong belief.

    Main belief of parents and educators that drug testing for student athletes is of no use and wastage of money. If you take live example of New Jersey state who first pass the bill against drug testing for student athletes, causes $ 50,000 just for sake of testing cost. If you just taken into account number of students participate in national or state level games then it will count more than 500-600. On the contrary chances of getting positive result are only 10%. That means rest all money goes into waste. Students are in hardly use of steroids or other performance improving drugs.

    Proponents of drug testing for student athletes said that this will decrease the percentage of drug abuse or taking performance improving drugs to a large extent. Student athletes will not make a use of it as now they have fear of getting caught. It is observed that drug screening is comes as main set back for those who believe that taking drugs will improve their performance. After the success of New Jersey, now even Texas State starts adopting the random drug testing for student athletes.

    If you are on the wrong side and start taking drugs to improve your performance, then stop then immediately. Better you go for free marijuana detox methods. Detoxification treatment flush down the drug presence and you are able to give clean sample in drug testing. You are athlete and in your teen age, then body metabolites gives good support to detoxification.

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