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  • November 9th, 2010

    Drug Tests

    Read about drug tests

    Drug tests have become so important that you will find then taking place in every organization including school employment companies and even government offices for license. Drug tests are test to detect the presence of illegal drugs in a person’s system through their biological specimens like urine, blood, mouth swab or hair. Different drug tests have different procedures and time requirement depending on the specimen which is collected and the instrument which is used or it.

    Drug tests can be differentiated according to the specimen that is used to test. Here are the categories:

    • Blood: When the blood of the person is drawn out through injection and checked for any drug residue.
    • Mouth swab: In this test the saliva of the person is taken for drug test. This is easy to do and does not cost much. In this test, the saliva is taken directly or it is taken in a rod on which cotton is wrapped across.
    • Hair: This is one of the most expensive tests among all the other drug tests, but it gives accurate results for even those drugs which have been taken three months back.
    • Urine: In this test the urine is checked for drug traces. The urine collects the entire drug which is stored in the system and then discharges it from the body during urination.

    Even thought many modern inventions have been made to conduct drug test more inventions have been made to pass a drug test. You will find various detox kits and other such medicines that hide the drug from getting detected in the system. A random drug test can also be passed with synthetic samples of urine. When you buy these samples you will find a catalogue to use it and you will find ways to keep urine warm for drug test and also to dilute it thus helping you pass drug test.

    Drug test are not just done during sports competitions but you have to face them even if you go for a driver’s license or even when you want to get a new job. Some people oppose the act of drug tests because according to them it invades their privacy and so harms their fundamental rights. Even pregnant ladies have to undergo drug test for the benefit of her health and also of the child.

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