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  • November 9th, 2010

    Drug Tests Cocaine Time Limits

    Read about the drug tests cocaine time limits.

    Drug testing is gaining more and more popularity with the increase in use of illicit drugs even by the teenagers. Drug tests are mandatory if you are going for an interview or if you need to participate in any sports competition. They are the best methods to determine whether a person is actually under the influence of illegal drugs like cocaine. Drug testing could be pre determined or random. Passing random drug test is not an easy task as the abusers won’t have much of time at their disposal to detoxify themselves. Do you know about the drug tests cocaine time limits?

    Cocaine is such a drug of abuse that itself is metabolized very rapidly that it cannot be measured for routine drug testing. When urine or hair is been screened for the presence of cocaine, the lab actually measures benzoylecgonine which is a metabolite of cocaine. As to how long it will take for cocaine and its metabolites to be eliminated from the system may be longer than usually thought. Many studies have suggested that benzoylecgonine can be detected for longer period of time than it is normally expected in case of chronic users. The urine screens required if you are going for a pre employment testing uses minimum cut off levels set by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA). In case of a urine test, the urine level of 300 micrograms per liter of benzoylecgonine can test you positive for cocaine use. The time when test is done can give different results. Like for example, first void of the day samples will give high concentration of drug residues whereas if the testing is done at the other times of the day it will yield different results.

    Many people try to avoid a positive test result and pass a drug test by watering up their system and diluting the urine. In that case performing random drug testing is the only way to assure a right result. The widely accepted time period for cocaine to be flushed out from the urine is 3 to 5 days. For the chronic users it can take more than 8 days. Benzoylecgonine can be detected in the system of such users for 10-14 days. For those taking extremely high dosage like 112 grams of cocaine per day, positive urine levels of benzoylecgonine can be detected for 10-22 days. So if you want to pass drug test, then all you need to do is stop their use completely!

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