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  • December 19th, 2010

    Drug Tests Results Are Not Always Accurate

    Read to know that can drug tests results are not always accurate

    What if you have prepared yourself completely for a drug test and still fail it? Are your incomplete preparations the only cause for it? Is it possible that you get caught for snuffing cocaine even if you have not done so? Well are is this possible that drug tests results are not always accurate? If yes, then in what situations? To know the answers to all these questions read this article.

    It is likely that you get a drug test results which is not accurate. Yes, this is possible because of different causes. What are they? Here is a list of those causes:

    1. If the drug testing equipments do not satisfy the standards of the international drug testing committee. If the equipments used in the laboratory are of cheap quality then it would certainly affect your drug test results.

    2. If the sample holding apparatus has not being washed properly. It is possible that the person standing before you is a drug addict and the remains of his sample are still there in the apparatus.

    3. False positive drug test. Sometimes drugs that are present in your daily medicines can also be detected as an illicit drug in the test. Second hand smoke is also included in it.

    The above were some of the common causes for wrong drug test results which you must take acre of to pass a drug test. The drug testing panel and the rules in different countries for drug test can also affect the result. A particular drug may not be allowed in the new york drug testing laws but it may be allowed in some other country.

    So, if you get a positive drug test in one laboratory then prefer another one because a drug test in quite important in one’s life so you should not take any kind of risk in it. Just by changing the lab is not important if you are actually a drug addict then the results are accurate but if you are not then change the lab until you get what you know is right.

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