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  • October 7th, 2010

    First Time Smoker Drug Test

    Taking the first time smoker drug test

    As such drug smokers will find it doubly difficult to get of smoking drugs and you could get hooked on to it forever. If you are a first time smoker of drugs like marijuana chances are that you may not be caught when taking the first time smoker drug test for drug testing but over a period of time due to the smoking, toxins are deposited in your blood and traces remain for quite some days even after you give up smoking . So it is possible that if you are a regular smoker and have quit smoking just a few days before the test chances are that u could get caught as toxin traces remain in the blood. One way of beating the drug test is consuming lots of liquids in the form of water or other diuretics so that your system is flushed out and no traces of the drug remain. If you have to undergo a drug test in order to secure a good job or make an entry into the sports world then do take all the precautions required.

    How to beat the heat

    There are numerous drug screening facts which a drug user should be aware of so that necessary care can be taken to pass the drug test. Drug testing is done by way of urine test, saliva test blood test and even hair testing. These tests however are not fool proof methods for giving you accurate reports. Saliva test gives you accurate results if the same is immediately tested but if the sample has to be carried to another centre then chances are that the sample could be diluted. Even urine could be diluted by adding water content to it so this has to be a observed test and it may not be so popular with everyone. In case of hair testing different kinds of shampoos are available over the counter due to which the drug cannot be detected. Lastly a blood sample could give you a accurate result but here also you will have various kits available which had reduce the toxins level in the blood so detection becomes near to impossible. A drug user should therefore be aware of all the drug screening facts so that he can help himself overcome this habit.

    How to pass