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  • November 9th, 2010

    Flushing For A Drug Test

    Flushing for a drug test

    Flushing for a drug test is not difficult if you are not a chronic or habitual user; however if you have used drugs for a long time then the flushing may take longer. The flushing of drugs immediately begins when we ingest or inhale it and the body starts to reject the toxins via urine, sweat and other methods. Since many drugs such as hashish and marijuana can stay in the system for more than thirty days, flushing out such drugs can be a lengthy process.

    The problem with flushing out the toxins as far as hashish or opiates is concerned is that these may deposit in your fat cells along with other organs including the brain. The body melts down these fats and rejects the toxins; hence the loss of appetite felt during withdrawal symptoms. The best way to flush out the toxins is to sweat it out and burn the fat yourself by regularly exercising. Another option would be to take the advice of a professional who can give you a diet plan or a process which can painlessly remove the drugs from your body.

    You can beat any drug test if you have not done drugs for more than ninety days or three months prior to the screening. The most accurate drug tests are hair follicle tests which can detect use 90 days prior to the test. Urine and saliva tests are less accurate and can detect use from 3 to 30 days or even a few hours (saliva). Therefore it depends on the type of drug you are taking in order to ensure you flush out the toxins so as to pass drug test. If you are doing marijuana, quit at least a month before the drug test and even a single puff can turn the test to a positive one.

    Some drugs which are not detected easily are LSD and alcohol; however the effects of LSD are extreme and can cause severe damage if taken frequently or in chronic abusers. Cocaine can be detected for 2 to five days in urine and even fourteen days in blood samples. Therefore the best way to flush out any of these toxins is to quit well before to pass drug test.

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