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  • October 19th, 2010

    Flushing Out System For Drug Test

    Will flushing out system for drug test work?

    Are you thinking of a way to get away from the shame and insult of being a drug addict? Drug test do invade in your privacy but you cannot avoid if a multi national company asks you to undergo the test if you want a job over there. Drug tests have now become very popular and useful, especially for companies. They need to get the best out of their worker which is not possible with a drug addict. So, if you have to also face a drug test which you do not want to, then go for flushing out system for drug test.

    Many times a drug test like a mouth swab drug testing or a urine test brings tension and stress for the person who is going to face it, but there is not option. In such a situation there is no point in cursing yourself, but a smart person will think for a way to get out of the test with a clean chit. Do not go for synthetic urine and place it before the tester, because what you know he also might know. Go for something that will surely lead to desired results. One such way is to clean your body off the drugs present in it. The drug which is consumed stays in the system for a particular time depending on the drug that you have taken. It is necessary to flush it out.

    Flushing out of the drugs can be done in many ways. Here is a list of things that you can do to save yourself:
    1. Drinking plenty if water will wash away the drug particles from your body. Drink eight hefty glasses of water before the drug test. This will dilute the drug and make it less observable. However, you might get caught due to over dilution.
    2. To avoid the above risk, eat lot of red meat. This will increase the level creatinine beyond the normal level.
    3. You can even use diuretics to save from the shame. They will increase urination and throw away drugs from your body. Pepsi, cranberry juice, coffee, iced tea and grapes are good diuretics.
    4. Detox technique can also be used to detoxify your body.

    The above tips will help you to pass a drug test with desired results.

    How to pass