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  • November 9th, 2010

    Free Tips Passing Drug Test

    Home based free tips passing drug test

    Marijuana is the most commonly drug that is taken by a large population. Marijuana test advise should be taken before going for marijuana based drug testing. Drug testing is done under secure ambience and strict supervision after the cases of sample adulteration and tampering. Marijuana stays for 48 hours in human body and the drug traces are dependent of various factors. You have the provision of tampering the sample before the test. People have understood the ball game and they do tricky things easily to mask this kind of test.

    Masking is an easy process but it is subjected to suspicion. Once there is a suspicion you will have to go through multiple drug testing and this will be tough for you to pass. Multiple drug testing is done for one particular drug in many methods and procedures. Chances of getting caught in the process are more than any other process. Marijuana is consumed in many ways and all these ways are known to the experts. Depending on the ways they design these tests so that detection in all cases becomes possible. Home based remedies like drinking vinegar and flushing the system may work wonders but only in certain cases. The ethical tampering gives a lot of scope for the people who are less heavy users. Urine is a thing which can be masked, tampered and substituted.

    That is the reason why some experts don’t consider this urine test authentic. Realizing the need of the best solution that is given to the people you must have a back up process ready. Some people think that drinking plenty of water two days before the tests will detoxify all the toxins and will make the system free of drug metabolites. THC that is present in the marijuana will be hard to mask in some cases.

    Human body reacts to different chemicals and the behavior is different in all the cases. Many experts believe that all the metabolites that are present in the drug are not dissolved and so drinking water before drug test does not always work. Detoxification needs a little time and you cannot imagine this process to take place quickly. Time taken to detoxify the body will be definitely less than to abuse the body with drugs. you should follow the process that are fool proof and eliminates all the traces of drug .

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