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  • November 9th, 2010

    Gc Ms Drug Testing

    Read to know what is gc ms drug testing

    Drug tests are a major step to stop the increasing number of drug users. If you fail a drug test then you will have to face serious problems in life, due to this fear many people stop using drugs. However some people start finding some other way round solutions like altering their drug testing samples. Well this will not work any more because of the most advances technology in drug detection coming in to use and that is gc ms drug testing.

    GC MS drug test is the latest and the most advances technology to detect drugs. GC MA stands for Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In this drug testing method a combination of two methods; gas liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry is used to analyze the given sample. This technology is not just used for drug detection but also for fire investigation, environmental analysis, identification of unknown samples and even investigation of explosives.

    It is so advanced that it is five hundred times better then the standards set by the federal drug testing community. It falls in to the category of specific detection. A non-specific drug detector can detect only the category of the substance detected while a specific drug detector can detect the exact substance. This is done by converting the given sample in to the gaseous form and then analyzing it. This makes it safe from false positive drug test results. Initially these devices were quite bulky and immovable but now as times have changed the new devices are easier to handle and even give accurate results.

    Not just the drug testing department uses Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry but also by, courts, hospitals, insurance companies, parole & probation, medical offices, the U.S. military, Fortune 500 companies and police. This is because of its accurate and quick result. For those who think of diluting their samples or to pass their high school random drug testing, then they should first think of some way to escape from this one, which is not pretty easy because this device can even detect dilution if any.

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