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  • December 24th, 2010

    Hair Drug Screening

    Read more about the hair drug screening.

    Hair drug screening is getting more and more popularity among the public agencies and business organizations. As per the federal laws for drug testing, they have relied hair drug testing as their main resource to implement the drug diversion programs. Main reason behind the growing popularity of hair drug testing is they have ability to screen history of person about drug usage. And it is repeatedly prove that, hair drug screening gives more accurate and reliable result than saliva, urine and blood drug test.

    Requirements for hair drug testing are much simpler and less embarrassing than urine testing. It accomplishes minimum 50-80 hair stands each with the equal length of 1 ј-inch length. It is essential to cut these hair strands from close to scalp and from the crown of head. If any person tries to get bald or shaved his entire head, then body hair from the legs or chest can be used. With hair drug screening, you will confirm 30 days long drug consumption provided hair length is Ѕ inch. If you provide longer hair, then possibly you can check deep history.

    Well, if you compare hair drug screening from the cost view, it is quite expensive. It takes little extra time to perform. Usually hair drug testing gets completed in 10 days. It cost near about $100 for single analysis. Now with the help of home base kits you can check presence or absence of drug metabolites on your hair. They really do not cost much and you can think of that much investment for the sake of getting drug testing.

    Main advantage of hair drug testing is you can not perform any adulteration with the sample. There are actually very few remedies to pass hair drug testing. One proven method to pass hair drug testing is use of detox shampoo and baking soda for drug test. You can get them in medical stores or online stores will be a great choice. They are herbal base, but still shows some side effects. Like one may observe rashes or itchy scalp, dry hair etc. But all these are temporary signs and will get remove as soon as you stop making use of them.

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