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  • October 7th, 2010

    Hair Drug Test How To Pass

    Hair Drug Test How to Pass.

    Drug use or drug abuse has become a pervasive phenomenon in the United States. Many people across the country are falling prey to this deplorable practice. Drug use usually starts in schools and colleges when their friends and acquaintances introduce teenagers to drugs. Peer pressure ensures consumption for the first time around. Drugs affect the central nervous system – that controls our responses to external stimuli. This way the user is gradually addicted. The addict then moves on to more potent drugs that inherently are more destructive.

    The effects are there for everyone to see: failing physical and mental health, robberies for getting money for procuring drugs, destroyed and demoralized households, gang rivalry and violence between rival drug gangs and much more. What is more the demand for drugs spurs their cultivation in far off lands where exploitation is the norm. Drug money is also believed to be one of the sponsors of terrorism.

    The Drug Free Workplace Act 1988 was a bold first step in the direction of discouraging drug use. It mandated drug tests for all government employees. Soon others followed cue and the same was made mandatory in private workplaces, school and college campuses etc. However many of the drug tests are inaccurate and most of the laboratories that conduct them are not up to the federal standards. Furthermore, many of the chemicals classed as drugs are ingredients of many over the counter medicines. This raises the possibility of positive testing for those who have not consumed the drug at all or have done so accidentally without purpose.

    Hair drug test dissolve hair, extracted from any part of the body, in laboratory solvents. Residues of consumed drugs accumulate inside the hair and can be detected in these tests. This makes beating drug tests more difficult than other tests like the urine drug test, information for beating which is common knowledge. For testing a hair length of 2.5 to 4 cm from the scalp is enough. Hair tests can detect drug use within 90 days before the test. Hair drug shampoos and conditioners, brought and used under professional guidance can help you beat the drug test.

    The shampoos open the cuticle – the outermost concentric layer of the hair in the first step.

    Next the sealant seals the scales of the cuticle so that what lies beneath cannot be detected. This sealant is not soluble in any known chemical solvent.

    Finally the conditioner adds shine to hair and controls tangles.

    How to pass