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  • December 24th, 2010

    Home Remedy Drug Test Marijuna

    Read more for home remedy drug test marijuna

    You will actually get surprised by finding so many home remedy drug test marijuana. Check it out same on the internet and you will come across with the number of web pages and forums completely dedicated for drug passing techniques. Main advantages of home remedies are they come very cheap. If you compare it with detox products then you observe that use of home remedies proves beneficial from all the ends. Another advantage of home remedies is they come in natural form. As a result body does not need to take any additional effort to work on them. Best and most safe detoxification remedy is drinking plenty of water. Water has natural detox ingredients. They speed up the process of metabolic conversion together with increasing the frequency of urination.

    Other than water, make sure that you are having lots of fresh fruit juices like cranberry, strawberry like citrus fruits. Citrus tries to lower down the drug metabolic percentage. Make a habit of having water or juices in sip by sip manner. This process increases the body’s metabolic level. However, still note than drinking excess water does not lead for instant result. It could be dangerous from health point of view. You may observe severe side effects like water intoxication. You can rely on drinking green tea or other beverages like tea/ coffee which have excellent diuretic properties. Other home remedies include having vinegar and bleach. These substances do not have any detoxification agent in it. Hence use of these products to pass drug test becomes more controversial.

    If you are looking for tips on passing drug test, then remember that there is nothing better than leaving drugs abusing completely. There is a scientific reason behind this saying. Unless and until you won’t stop drug intake, body will not get time to work on accumulated drug metabolites. Marijuana is very slow metabolized drug. Its metabolites remain stored in the body unless you start acting on it. They accumulated inside the fat cells. Hence removing them from the fatty cells is quite tough task. Home remedies prove effective only if you try to give little extra time period for their working. Eat healthy, give more stress on fibers. You will definitely comes up with surprise negative result.

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