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  • November 17th, 2010

    Homemade Ways To Pass A Drug Test

    Learn some homemade ways to pass a drug test.

    Wants to take some homemade ways to pass a drug test? Home made ways are always prove far better than other methods of drug passing. First of all they are less costly; you do not need to buy some costly products which say that they are best in giving clean results. Though it is fact that, home made ways fails to give instant result. One need to take home made remedies 3-4 weeks before actual drug test. In homemade ways, one of the best and most recognized ways to pass drug test is having lots of water intake. Excess water intake increases frequency of urination. With frequent urination, body starts throwing out impurities through urine. Another main advantage of excess water intake is it increases drug metabolic rate. Metabolites are nothing but the by product of drugs. If they washed out from the system quickly, more is chance of getting clean result.

    Marijuana keeps in the body for longer duration. If you know you have drug test in recent days then start adopting some home made remedies right away. Another best home remedy is having clean tea at least 2-3 times in a day. Clean tea is made up of fine herbals and does not produce any harm to body. Clean tea do tends to increase urine frequency. However, one need to take care that while adopting these two methods of drug passing, do not let you body to have water intoxication. It is may lead to some serious situation. It is question in everybody’s mind that will i fail a drug test from second hand smoke? It depends on way of screening actually. If you know you are having drug test, stop going into the toxic environment. Second hand smoke may detect in urine testing, but fail in oral or saliva testing. However, it is always advisable for not to let toxins inside the body.

    To pass a drug test confidently also try to avoid substance which are causing false positive result. If you search online, you can come across list of such products. Like chewing poppy seeds just before drug testing may lead to give false positive result.

    How to pass