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  • December 24th, 2010

    How Drug Tests Work

    Learn more about how drug tests work.

    In today’s world there is very large exposure to drugs. Teens look towards it as a fashion statement but fail to understand how adverse effects they are causing on their life. Drugs and its metabolites remain stored inside the body and form the craving for that substance. However, people start thinking about them when a time for testing comes. Now, almost every private and public sector employee needs to go with the drug testing. Drug testing is carried out mainly by 4 ways. Urine, saliva, blood and hair drug testing. Another method is through sweat samples. However, these methods are not in much use and fail to give accurate result. Its cost is quite higher if you compare it with other drug testing forms. Among all the testing methods, urine screening is most cost effective, simple to perform and widely accepted one.

    Wants to know about how drug tests work? There are two methods for how to conduct drug testing. One is through screening method, where as another one with the use of advance technologies like GC/ MS. Both the methods are working as per the SAMHSA regulation. Above discussed methods come in the screening method where as GCMS are used. GC/ MS methods make use of more precise equipments and latest technology. GC/MS methodology looks for each and every drug metabolites for factors like its atomic weight, charge on it, its mass etc. They also take into account percentage of water in the sample. In screening forms you can cheat just by adding lots of water in the sample. However, this could not be the case with the GC/ MS methods. They can take non watery content outside from the sample. To beat the GC/MS king of testing, be sure that you are having lots of multi vitamin tablets. Multi vitamins show their presence in urine sample and effectively mask the drug metabolites. This could be the best answer for how to pass a urine drug test without detox.

    Other than this, you can rely on drinking lots of water. Water tends to speed up the process of drug metabolic conversion. Along with the water, you can have other beverages like herbal tea, coffee etc. They boost the frequency of urination. As a result you can dilute the drug metabolites and leave a clean sample to pass a drug test.

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