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  • December 19th, 2010

    How Long Does Meth Show Up In Drug Test

    Read how long does meth show up in drug test.

    People may be asked to take a drug test after receiving an employment letter and before starting his/her work. Failing to pass a drug test will be the grounds for loosing the job opportunity. Drug tests are also ordered by courts when parents are locked in the custody battle of their wards. In case of allegations of the use of illegal drugs, a drug test may be ordered by the courts. Drug tests are often conducted randomly in many institutions. Drug test also comes into picture in case of reasonable suspicion and post accident. It is thus necessary to pass a drug test.

    Are you also in a situation wherein you are going to be tested? At the very beginning all you need to know is the duration of time the drugs are going to stay in your system. the various drug tests that can detect the use of methamphetamines include:

    1. Urine drug tests

    2. Hair drug tests

    3. Saliva drug tests

    Urinalysis is the commonly used test for the detection of illicit drugs in the system. Versions of this drug test can screen the presence of the most commonly abused substances. Hair drug test is the most accurate drug test and can detect the recent as well as long term use of drugs. Saliva drug tests are used to detect the presence of meth. The collection process is simple and the person being tested never leaves the tester’s presence and thus it is really difficult to cheat a swab drug test.

    If an individual has used meth, it can be detected in the urine for 2 to 3 days. Usually methamphetamine can be detected in the system for 48-96 after its last use. The exact length of time that uppers can be detected is not an exact science and depends upon a number of factors including- age, amount of drug used, length of usage, metabolism and tolerance of the system of the abuser. Meth users should understand that simply because they pass a drug test, it doesn’t mean that the drugs have been eliminated completely. It just means that the drug level wasn’t too high to trigger a positive reading!

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