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  • January 20th, 2011

    How To Beat A Urine Drug Test

    Read how to beat a urine drug test.

    Drug tests are quite common these days. They are the best methods to discover the influence of drugs on an individual. A drug testing utilizes a biological specimen like saliva, blood, hair or urine to screen the presence of drugs of abuse in the system of the subjects. Drug testing has always been a controversial issue ever since its introduction in the society and many abusers do not like the idea of screening when their jobs are at stake. The internet has proved to a blessing for the abusers as it has loads of information on passing a drug test. One can learn the urine, saliva or hair drug test facts in no time. If you are wondering how to beat a urine drug test then all you need to do is go through the article.

    Urinalysis, being the most common method of screening, is easy to pass. Urine drug test involves a lot of embarrassment and humiliation if conducted under supervision. Substitution is not an option in such a case. The best defense against the urine drug test is being clean. Unfortunately, this might prove to a bit difficult for the chronic users as marijuana can be detected for weeks in the urine specimens. If you are working then it is prudent to expect to be screened and thus it is recommended to avoid marijuana. One should at least avoid drugs till he/she passes a drug test. The next thing that can be done is dilution. Dilution by increasing the fluid intake and urine flow will help lower the concentration of drug metabolites in the system and you can pass a drug test.

    It is quite necessary to increase the fluid intake and receive the help from the juices of citric process in the detoxification process. The success of dilution and detox largely depends upon the time at your disposal and the degree of drug exposure. Dilution is effective only if the initiative is yours. There are several options like sample spiking, swapping or tampering, but these methods are highly risky. Life of every individual is very too precious to get complicated by a drug test so just beat it and move on!

    How to pass
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