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  • December 24th, 2010

    How To Clean System Marijuana

    Learn some real time and actually working ways to clean system marijuana.

    Marijuana: classified as class 5 drugs. Marijuana and its metabolites THC, remain is the system for long. As per one survey it is observe that marijuana have almost 80 different metabolites. THC is one main of them. Here, make a note that THC is fat soluble. It remains stored inside the fat cells as long as you do not take any treatment for it. Get some guidelines to know how to clean system marijuana.

    Whenever, you are going for any drug test, remember that no drug testing form is able to detect actual drug presence inside your body. Getting positive or negative result is completely depends on the drug metabolic percentage. For the same first check out what is drug detection window period and cut off level for the marijuana. Though they are tentative values, you can predict your result from them. Drug metabolic percentage has lots of other influences like person’s overall health, gender, smoking history etc. Still if you focus on speeding drug metabolic conversion rate, you may avail for most surprising result.

    1. Water- It is myth that water proves less effective as THC is fat soluble. This is a half truth. Water provides great help to body organs for drug metabolic conversion. It performs the same way as that of any costly detox product. Furthermore, by default having excess water increases frequency of urination. Free drug metabolites (toxics) get pass from the urine.

    2. Change in diet- many of you may think that diet does not leave better impact on marijuana metabolites. It is not true. Though diet does not contribute directly for getting marijuana out from the system, it provides good support. Have higher fiber intake, fiber substances forms coating outside the bladder. Hence THC metabolites get restricted entry.

    3. Increase protein intake- In any drug test, there are some set criteria’s to detect drug presence. One such criterion for marijuana is by measuring creatinine levels urine drug test. With higher protein intake you can increase creatinine level.

    If you are thinking about getting positive result for THC, then you should necessarily invest in detox products. It will readily help you in getting negative result. If you are not, then there is very high chance of getting negative result. Ask for herbal detox products to pass a drug test without fail.

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