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  • November 9th, 2010

    How To Clean Your System Of Marijuana

    Read how to clean your system of marijuana.

    Who would like to get caught in a drug test? Even if a person has been doing shots, he/she wouldn’t want to be caught in a drug test. Drug testing laboratories uses various drug interaction screening tools for detecting the presence or absence of drugs and its metabolites in the system of the suspect. Many people are getting into the habits of taking drugs these days. Although some of them try drugs for the sheer fun of it, there are some people who use drugs because of depression and loneliness. People know that taking shots is easy but it is extremely difficult to get out of this habit and still get into it. Scroll down to know how to clean your system for marijuana.

    Marijuana is the most commonly abused and tested for drug in United States and many other countries as well. Though it is the least harmful drug, it stays in the system for longer time and thus can be the reason for your failure in a drug test. The first and foremost thing to do is to clear your system and make it free from marijuana. If you have been using these drugs since a long time then the quantity of drug in the body will be higher and it will take longer time to detoxify the system.

    Home remedies are excellent in getting the toxins out of the system faster. Here are some of them that will help you clear marijuana and pass a drug test:

    • Drinking a lot of water and any other fluids as they are excellent methods of detoxifying the system. Overloading the kidneys in short frame will help eliminate drug metabolites and you can pass a drug test.
    • Cranberry juice will also serve for the same. Cranberry juice acts as a natural diuretic and is effective in flushing the system.
    • Beverages like coffee and tea will help you urinate more frequently and flush away all the harmful toxins present in the system.
    • Vinegar will be effective in lowering the Ph of the urine.
    • Exercising and working out will help increase the body metabolism of the system and will away the fat cells. THC generally stored in the fat cells will be released in the bloodstream and will enter the urine. They will thus be flushed out. Sweating will also help eliminate marijuana metabolites.

    How to pass