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  • December 19th, 2010

    How To Detox Before A Drug Test

    How to Detox before a Drug Test.

    Detoxification or detox is the process of removing traces of drugs from the body. Toxins accumulate inside the body due to numerous causes – drug and alcohol consumption, unhealthy lifestyle and dietary habits, consumption of certain medicines, prolonged exposure to toxic environs and many other reasons. You need to know how to detox before a drug test, for a failure can interrupt your career or education.

    Drug testing was introduced to reduce and possibly eliminate the menace of drug use. Failure in a drug test or even the fear of failure in a drug test is enough to discourage people from using drugs. The intentions are good, but the execution leaves much to be desired. Even if you do not use drugs you can test positive due to consumption of certain medicines and foodstuffs. This situation is called a false positive and is a nightmarish possibility. To avoid it you will have to detox your body before a drug test even if you do not use drugs.

    These are some simple techniques for detoxification for all kinds of drug tests.

    The urine test is the most common drug test. To pass it you will have to abstain from drugs and adopt a healthy lifestyle for at least 15 days before the test. This will also broadly work for the blood test. For the said duration undertake regular fat burning exercise, drink a lot of water and eat a balanced diet. Drug traces are usually stored inside fat and exercise burns fat. The broken down toxins can be removed from the body via urine and hence the necessity of drinking water. The diet will prevent the accumulation of any fresh toxins.

    For drug tests hair passing you will have to use detox-masking shampoos. These open the outer layer of hair and mask the drug residues accumulated in the inner layer thereby preventing detection in drug testing.

    The saliva drug test is a very short-term test – it can be conducted very quickly and can detect drug use within only a few days before the test. To beat this one you have to use a detox mouthwash about 5 to 30 minutes before the test.

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