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  • October 19th, 2010

    How To Pass A Drug Test Com

    How to pass a drug test and come clean

    People are taking up responsible careers in sectors like the army, air-force and navy where the government authorities are very strict about the procedures regarding selection employees. A drug test is commonplace these days and authorities make sure that the test is conducted accurately otherwise they themselves would land into further mess for not testing properly. How to pass a drug test and come clean? This is one common question which comes to the mind of the person who goes for the drug test for the very first time. A variety of drugs are being taken by people, who make it a part of their lives unnecessarily, but when it is time for a drug test in a reputed profession, it can lead to serious issues.

    How to pass a drug test and come clean? You must know that marijuana effects on nervous system can be grave, and you need to come out of this habit as fast as you can. If a urine sample has been called for then you could consider diluting the sample. Many bathrooms have the warm water facility from where you could take some warm water to dilute it. Avoid diluting it too much as this will create suspicion in the mind of the person conducting the drug test. You could even consider spiking the sample with masking products which are easily available in the market.

    All that needs to be done is to inject urine sample with the masking product and then present it for testing. One thing to remember is that authorities too are aware of the fact that masking is done, so you have to be really lucky to come out clean in the test. Another idea would be to take urine sample of your friend, who has come with you for the drug test, but even he should not be having any toxic content in his system or else you would land in a situation which is even worse. If you have been doing marijuana you need to know that marijuana effects on nervous system can lead to serious problems in the long run and you may have to join drug rehabilitation centre to get completely rehabilitated. You can beat the drug test heat with a little research and insight into the protocol that needs to be followed to come clean.

    How to pass