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  • December 24th, 2010

    How To Pass A Drug Test In Hours

    Read how to pass drug test in hours.

    Many people find themselves in a situation wherein they have to face a drug test in few hours. They might think that maybe a night of partying or a habit could potentially mean a loss of job, driving privileges or a court martial. There is nothing to worry about as many options are available on the internet that will help you pass a drug test in no time. But there are some ineffective and misleading options too that are meant to simply hoax money from you. Some of the home remedies too could prove to be dangerous. Even with these stumbling blocks in the way, there are lots more methods of passing a drug test in hours.

    Drug testing can come up in several forms, urinalysis being the most common one. The best way to pass a drug testing is abstinence from the use of drugs. But this is not acceptable to many and still continues the bad vice of drug abuse. A number of detox solutions and pills can help you pass a drug test. Manufacturers claim that these products are effective and they promise to return the money in case if you fail the drug test. Many people often post a query how to pass a drug test without products? The answer is simple- home remedies.

    Many abusers who underwent a drug screening claimed that natural remedies can surely help one pass a drug test and work wonders. Dilution is the most common method of flushing out the harmful toxins from the system. Overloading kidneys in short frame of time can lower the concentration of drug metabolites in the system but at the same time over doing this task can lead to water intoxification. This can also dilute the urine sample. Labs now perform a specimen integrity test to check dilution. You can mask dilution by using 50 to 100 milligram of vitamin B2.

    Creatine supplements can boost the creatinine level and normalize it in the urine. Exercising can also help in case if there is a week or two for the screening. You can always go for the detox solutions so as to pass a drug test within few hours, they are a better option!

    How to pass