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  • October 19th, 2010

    How To Pass A Drug Test (weed)

    How to pass a drug test (weed)?

    Passing a drug test for weed can be a difficult task; however the amount of dependency and the harm caused by the drug is less compared to other potent drugs such as opiates and chemically produced hallucinogenic substances. This simply means that cannabis or weed is easier to quit compared to even cigarettes which are legal in most countries. But when it comes to passing a drug test for weed; it could be difficult for chronic or everyday users.

    Weed stays in the body stored away in fat cells and when we stop smoking it the fat cells melts and THC (active ingredient in weed) is released in our body for ejection. This THC is then passed from the blood to the urine, digestive system, and hair cells in order to flush the toxin out of the body. This process can take a long time if you heavily use marijuana or do it everyday. In occasional weed smokers, this process may take even two or three days since the amount of THC is very less.

    Another most common question that is flying around internet forums as much as worrying weed smokers is how to pass a drug test using adulterants. This method of passing is not possible since many companies may employ strategies and perform tests to see if the sample was masked. Moreover in tests such as the hair follicle test it is not possible to cheat since it shows positive even if you had your last hit three months ago. Like a game of predator and prey, as drug addicts find new making or adulteration agents, companies are getting smarter to catch those who cheat.

    It is advisable to pass a drug test in a natural manner and companies usually perform a urine or saliva test. This is good news since a hair test means you have to stop smoking at least three months before the test. Even one puff can result in the test being turning out positive if hair samples are taken. Even in urine weed can stay for more than 30 days and it is best to stop smoking it well before the test is due. Some final tips to pass a drug test naturally – quit well before (3 months) the screening, drink water (lots of it), sweat out the toxins, and reduce body weight to remove THC from your fat.

    How to pass