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  • October 28th, 2010

    How To Pass A Drugs Test

    Read how to pass a drug test.

    Drug testing is gaining lot of popularity these days with the increase in the number of drug addiction over the recent years. It is quite common to face a drug test in many companies, medical institutions and schools as well. Did you also receive a mail conveying that you are supposed to undergo a drug test? Fearing a drug test is a bit natural but don’t sweat it. Instead read this article and get ready to face one.

    The very basic to be done is to stop doing drugs. It is a mental addiction and not physical. So it should not be a difficult task. The next thing is to know how long the drug is going to stay in your system and work accordingly. There are many websites that will provide you the necessary details. The fact is that no drug stays in the body for more than three days, marijuana being an exception. Though it is not harmful but it can be a red flag for you if you are going to be tested for marijuana.

    The tips given below are based on real world experience and can help you pass a drug test:

    • Stop doing drugs as soon as possible and be toxin free. The longer you are clean the better chances of your result being negative.
    • Work out and exercise a lot till you sweat. This will increase the rate of metabolism of your system and the toxins will be processed out of your system sooner.
    • Increase the intake of water and any other fluids. It will help flushing the system. Do not drink a lot of water before the test as it will dilute your urine.
    • Consume protein rich red meat. It will normalize the creatinine level in your urine which has decreased otherwise because of dilution.
    • Vitamin B supplements will help impart yellow color to the urine
    Azo drug test products will help clean your urinary tract and will wash away the residues of drug metabolites.
    • Avoid fats and oily foodstuff. Go for a natural vegetable diet prior to the drug testing.
    • Carry the prescriptions of the drugs if you are on any medical treatment. This will help reduce the chances of false positive test result.

    The above test will definitely help you attain your goal. So don’t waste your time and start working accordingly right away!

    How to pass