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  • February 16th, 2011

    How To Pass A Marijuana Pee Test With It In Your System

    Read how to pass a marijuana pee test with it in your system.

    Urine is the most important fluid utilized to screen the presence of illegal drugs in the system. Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug test and is generally detected using a urine specimen. Weed is the most popular drug amongst the teens and parents are testing their wards with the aid of the home drug test kits intended for the same purpose.

    Marijuana is basically dried leaf and stem of the hemp plant. A marijuana drug test screens for the presence of THC, the psychoactive ingredient of marijuana that can get you high. There are several detox products available in the markets that answer the question how to pass a marijuana pee test with it in your system. Internet provides a lot of information on detox vs masking drug test options.

    Marijuana is the only drug that is likely to stay in the system for longer duration of time. Although the effects of marijuana fade way quickly, their use can be the reason for failure in a drug testing protocol. If you are on marijuana and know that there is a drug test coming up, then stop using is as soon as you can. THC metabolites, being fat soluble, remains detectable in the system for longer period of time. Urinalysis is preferred by many employers. However, urine drug test can be easily switched with the aid of synthetic urine specimens. You can substitute your sample with the synthetic ones if you are not supervised. In case if the test is performed under supervision then you are surely going to be in a trouble if you try substituting the specimen.

    Dilution is the most common tactic used by a number of abusers to pass a drug test. Drinking lots of water can help lower the concentration of drug metabolites in the system but can also lead to water intoxication. Do not overdo the task. Exercising will help a lot as it is a natural detoxifier. It helps burn the fat cells where the THC metabolites are stored. Thus they get thrashed out through the urinary tract. Stop exercising 2 days before the tests. there are several methods to pass a test, but requires a lot of efforts!

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