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  • January 20th, 2011

    How To Pass A Thc Drug Test

    Read how to pass a THC drug test.

    THC urine drug tests are popularly known as a marijuana drug tests or pot drug tests. Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in United States. Tetrahydrocannabinol, famous as THC, is the main psychoactive ingredient of marijuana. Urinalysis is the least expensive method of testing and a THC urine drug test is generally used in many companies for performing random checks on the employees. 50 nanograms of THC per milliliter can register a positive as standardized by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA). So if you are wondering how to pass a THC drug test then you need to have absolutely clean and clear urine and the THC level should be less than 50ng/ml.

    Although marijuana is the least harmful of all the drugs, it can stay in the system for longer durations. If you are currently using marijuana and you know that you have a drug testing coming up then stop the use of marijuana as soon as possible. The longer you abstain, the better your chances of passing a drug test will be. One of the most popular methods of passing a urine drug test is the use of synthetic urine. Abusers buy the synthetic samples available in markets and substitute their samples with the synthetic ones. This can work wonders if you are not going to be supervised by any chance. The labs are aware about the temperature of a fresh urine sample and they perform this check as a part of sample integrity test. Thus using a synthetic sample can be highly risky. But if you don’t have enough time at your disposal then this is the only method.

    The other way to pass a drug test is to detoxify the system by adopting natural methods. The natural remedies will not only help you pass a test for THC but also prevent you from getting a test positive for cocaine, meth and opiates. First of all you need to cleanse the system and this can be done by drinking a loot of fluids and urinating frequently. This will help lower the concentration of THC metabolites in the system. Start washing out yourself for the test as soon as you can. Be careful if you are going to use this method as it can be a red flag for dilution!

    How to pass