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  • December 19th, 2010

    How To Pass A Urine Drug Test For Opiates

    Read how to pass a urine drug test for opiates.

    Amongst all the popular recreational illegal drugs in the world, opiates are the one. Opiates are illicit drugs and are amongst the most tested for drugs in many countries. Many potential employers test for opiates along with the popular substances like morphine, codeine and marijuana. Urinalysis is the most common method of drug detection in many nations and is also preferred in many legal proceedings. They are also use for military purpose and it is very difficult to beat military drug test. Although there are fool proof methods to pass drug test, there are ways to fool the authorities and pass an opiate drug test as well!

    Opiates are fat soluble drugs and dissolve easily in fats. Because of this property opiates have a ready access to the brain of the abuser. As they are fat soluble they accumulate and re enter the blood stream. So giving an exact time as to how long will opiates be present in the system is difficult. It generally ranges from 2 to 5 days and can extend in case of chronic long term use. Here are some ways to pass a urine drug test for opiates:

    1. The best solution to pass a drug screening for opiates is to abstain from using opiates. This is the only guaranteed method of passing a drug test by not allowing the substances to enter the system.

    2. Dilution is an effective method used by many. Drinking lots of water can help lower the concentration of drug metabolites in the system and help one trigger negative. Some of the people adulterate the urine sample by adding a cup of warm water. This is risky.

    3. Dilution by drinking lots of water can make the urine watery. Many testers will notice this red flag and fail you. It is better to use vitamin B2 to mask dilution by imparting yellow color to the watery urine.

    4. Do not go on a diet. Eat more vegetables and fibers prior to the test. Avoid the use of fats completely.

    How to pass