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  • January 20th, 2011

    How To Pass Hair Drug Test

    Read how to pass hair drug test.

    Drug test are routinely performed by the employers in their companies to monitor the use of illegal drugs by the employees. The use of drugs by employees can result in low productivity and a threat for those in the immediate vicinity. Employers have the right to maintain a drug free workplace as they would not like the progress of their companies getting hampered. Are you wondering how to pass hair drug test? Then you got to read further. Passing a drug test is easier with the help of detox solutions and drinks available all over the internet. You might have heard a lot of myths like drinking a lot of water before a drug test can help switch the test results and pass a drug test. Let me tell you none of these methods are full proof.

    Hair follicle drug tests are precise at detecting the presence of prescription drugs and recreational drugs within a specified detection period. They are considered to be the most accurate methods as they can detect the long term use of drugs. As an individual uses drugs, the metabolites get encased in the hair shafts and remain detectable there unless you cut the hair. A hair drug test utilizes about 80 to 100 strands of hair each of length 3cm for detecting the drugs. Human hair grows at the rate of 0.5 inch per month. This arbitrarily limits the detection period to about 90 days. Longer the hair longer the history of drug test will be revealed. Many abusers try to circumvent the hair drug test by shaving off their hair but in absence of sufficient amount of hair on the head, the body hair can be used as a substitute.

    There is no way to avoid a drug test protocol. Thus one should abstain from the bad vice at the earliest. If you are on marijuana and you know that there is a drug test coming up, stop using it as soon as possible. Several detox shampoos claim to eliminate the residues from the hair completely. All you need to do is wash your hair thoroughly with these shampoos and the rest will be done by the special ingredients present in the system.

    How to pass