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  • December 24th, 2010

    How To Pass Marijuna Drug Test

    Read about how to pass marijuna drug test.

    Drug testing has become a commonplace for many job applicants, athletes, drivers and many students as well. Employers routinely perform random drug testing in their companies to ensure a drug free workplace. Various drug detox solutions and drug testing kits are now available to ensure the elimination of the toxins from the system so that the system is clear and completely free from drugs. Not all the drug detox products are reliable; you need to make a right choice. If you are thinking how to pass a drug test for pot then you are at the right place. Read the article and discover some methods to pass a drug test for marijuana.

    Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in many nations. Marijuana drug testing basically screens for the presence of THC, the most psychoactive ingredient of marijuana in a urine, saliva or hair specimen. THC is responsible for getting you high. Although, marijuana is the least harmful drug in the system, it is likely to stay for longer duration of time in the body. Marijuana can be detected in hair follicle for 90 days after its last use. So if you are using marijuana and are soon going to face a drug test, then quit the use as soon as possible. THC is a fat soluble metabolite and is generally stored in the fatty tissues. Thus it takes longer time to leave the system

    Drink at least two quarts of water for several days prior to the deadline. This will help lower the concentration of toxins below the standard cut off levels of the drugs. Water will assist in the detoxification process. If you are going to provide a urine sample, make sure that you catch the midstream urine. Exercising will burn the fat cells and release all the THC metabolites in the blood stream. They will ultimately be flushed out of the system. Avoid all the unnecessary toxins and prescription drugs for 2 days prior to the deadline. This will reduce the chances of registering a false positive result. These are the effective methods adopted by many abusers and they claim that these can work wonders if scheduled properly!

    How to pass