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  • November 17th, 2010

    How To Pass Piss Drug Test

    Read how to pass piss drug test.

    Drug tests are gaining popularity and so is the use of illicit drugs. Drug testing is conducted in many institutions and workplaces. It is the basic necessity to pass a drug test if you are seeking a job. Failing a drug test is a shameful thing and that will be the grounds for not be eligible for the job you have applied for or a sports event you are willing to participate in. it is thus better to refrain from this habit at the earliest. A risk of getting a false drug test is scaring even the non abusers and they too scare a drug testing protocol. Are you also going to face a piss drug test? Scroll down and read how to pass piss drug test?

    First of all before you worry about passing a drug test, all you need to know is how long each drug stays in the system. You can get the relative information on various websites. The fact is that no drug stays in the system for more than three days marijuana being an exception. If you still take drugs then you have to understand that you might get caught for subject abuse. Understand this and put in the righteous efforts and you will come out with flying colors.

    In a piss drug test, the piss must meet certain requirements to be testable. These requirements are pH, color of the urine and specific gravity. One can change these levels accordingly with the help of various pills available in the drug stores. There are various ways to pass a drug test, you just need to be creative and protect yourself from the ineffective techniques that won’t help you for nuts.

    Drinking a lot of fluids can help you eliminate the drug residues from the system faster. People often drink galloons of water prior to the test. This should not be than as the authorities might check the sample for dilution. The only word of caution is that one can throw off the body chemistry by drinking lots of water. Drinking water regularly for a week prior to the test will help you but you should stop doing so 2 days prior to the test. Do not go on a diet. You just have to include more of fibers and vegetables in your diet. Avoid fats as much as possible.

    How to pass
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