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  • October 28th, 2010

    How To Pass Weed Drug Test

    Read how to pass a weed drug test.

    Are you a drug addict? Do you love to lead a life the wilder way? And is there a drug test will you soon have to face in your organization? Then you need a lot of help and soon! This article is probably going to help you a lot.

    Marijuana also referred as THC stays is the most commonly abused drug in the US. Though marijuana is not that harmful, but it stays in your system for a longer time than any other system does. The stay in the body depends upon a number of factors like the regularity of smoking, the body weight and the rate of metabolism of your system. For a regular smoker marijuana stays in the system for 45 days whereas for an occasional smoker it stays for 10 days. If you are consistent user marijuana seems to stay in your system for almost 90 days. So if you are going to face a drug test without an advanced notice, it will probably prove to be a tough job.

    Weed drug test is famous as marijuana drug test. Following are some tips that will help you pass drug test:

    • Drinking a lot of water or any other fluid will assist the body in the detoxification process. You should at least drink two quarts of water daily several days before if you wish to flush your system.
    • THC that is generally stored in the fatty tissues can be removed out by exercising or working out. The sweat will eliminate all the toxins from the body.
    • Stop exercising 2 days before the test as it will release THC in your urine and test you positive. Exercising will cause burning of the fats cells, ultimately releasing them in the urine.
    • The best way to pass a weed drug test is to eliminate drug use and thus your system will be free from the traces of any toxins.
    • Dilution effect can be lowered by consuming red meat as it normalizes the creatinine level in the urine which has otherwise become less. Vitamin B2 will help impart yellow color to the urine.
    • In case of a short notice the only option left is to buy the drug solution available in the market or online to detoxify your system.

    These tips will surely be of great help. If you are wondering how to pass a saliva drug test then read our other articles.

    How to pass