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  • December 24th, 2010

    Human Drug Testing

    why human drug testing is mandatory?

    There are several types in drug testing or rather you can say that human drug testing. Drug testing is mainly carried out to check whether person is under drug influence or not. There are total 5 methods in drug testing. Out of that urine, saliva, blood and sweat are based on body fluid checking where as hair drug testing in only method of non body fluid checking. The entire drug testing forms measures chemical drug metabolites or residue products of drug in to consideration. In drug testing there are two forms, one is screening where as another one is confirmative checking. Usually above listed drug testing forms are used as screening methods. If screening result returns positive then it is followed to the confirmatory action. Confirmatory drug testing is conducted through the GC/ MS technology.

    Sometimes hair drug testing is also consider as main type in confirmatory testing. You are able to dig out long history of smokers as well as this form of testing is more accurate one. Accuracy of drug testing is completely depend on the technology used for testing, then chemical nature of that drug, human involvement, and how drug testing is proceed with the sample. Out of all drug testing forms, urine testing results are less accurate and not that reliable.

    If you are looking for passing drug screening, then very first you need to understand that any passing remedy will not show its effectiveness until you stop drug consumption entirely. When you completely refraining drugs, then only body starts acting on stored drug metabolites. If you want to know exact drug metabolic percentage, then it is advisable to take help from home drug testing kits. Once you get to know proper drug metabolic amount, you can start appropriate treatment. These home base drug testing kits are very advantageous for parents who wish to check their kid’s behavior with maintaining proper confidentiality.

    Some other forms of testing include saliva drug testing. It is most difficult to pass drug test as you can not perform any adulteration with saliva sample. It has lesser detection window period hence they are better for random drug testing. Unlike urine, saliva and hair drug testing require proper laboratory set up.

    How to pass