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  • February 16th, 2011

    Marijuana Detoxification Time Table

    Know how natural cleansing for drug test works.

    Marijuana is highly toxic substance and it’s after effects are very much disturbing. It continuing to give disturbing craving effect even after its affect from the central nervous system gets fade away. Marijuana consumption is banned in many countries however it is illegal peddling is large. Accessibility if marijuana is higher. Chronic marijuana abuser haves so many harsh effects on the body. Being slow metabolized substance it remains in the body for longer period of time. With natural cycle it gets removed from within 3 months time period. However, it is very general figure and there are lots of factors which are directly leaving influence on this. Being addicted is not good for your reputation. Getting rid from marijuana addiction gets simplified with detoxification products. Know marijuana detoxification time table for the same.

    What is marijuana detoxification time table? How long marijuana substance remains in your body? Actually, there is nor formulates answer for this question. Marijuana detoxification is complex process and a said earlier there are so many factors leaving their impact. This makes difficult to predict exact time period for effective detoxification. Sometimes you only get estimated time table with the help of internet. Rapid detoxification is conducted with commercially available detox products. There are mainly two factors on which drug detection time period is directly depend on. One is half life and other one is metabolic rate of the body. Many drug testing experts conclude that calculation of THC half life is not possible and it is very difficult to come with the single number.

    Marijuana time table is also influence by way to testing. Hair drug testing has ability to check drug presence for longer time period. Saliva or urine drug testing can go up to week period. Body’s metabolic conversion rate plays vital role in detection. Proven way to increase metabolic conversion is cardio exercise. Vigorous weight training burns fat cells and gives energy to the body. There is natural cleansing for drug test available in commercial market. They try to speed up conversion activity. Natural cleansers are urine additives as well. They prove more effective when taken with warm water. You can confidently pass drug test with these products.

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