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  • October 19th, 2010

    Marijuana Drug Test Weeks

    Marijuana Drug Test Weeks.

    Marijuana, commonly known as pot, is the most widely consumed drug in the United States as also in many other countries. The drug itself is of a mild nature. It can either be smoked in or it can be orally ingested through foodstuffs like cookies. The effects are slow to show themselves when the drug is orally ingested, but last longer and are more intense. This is in contrast to when pot is smoked in.

    Pot affects vital organs like the brain, heart, lungs and others. It can produce hallucinations. Usually it leads to the user feeling intensely happy, as if he were on the top of the world and in control of the situation around him – all this for no apparent reason. It is this feeling, common with most drug detox jackson michigan, that attracts people to it. People tend to forget their troubles and enjoy this false feeling of well being. Heart rate increases and blood pressure may drop. This combination increases the risk of a stroke by four times. Pot also affects the efficiency of lungs and if consumed for prolonged periods can substantially erode the immune power of the user.

    THC i.e. Tetrahydrocannabinol is the main psychoactive substance in pot. THC is fat soluble and so is not immediately excreted from the body. The more body fat the user possesses, the more is the duration for which it is retained. Retention time also depends on the age, weight, height and body metabolism of the user. Average retention periods of pot are available, but are not very reliable. Occasional, regular and chronic use of pot can be detected in urine respectively for 10 days, 45 days and 90 days. In saliva test pot can be detected only within 24 hours of its consumption. The blood test can detect occasional and regular use for 12 to 24 hours and 2 to 7 days respectively. The hair test can detect pot use within 90 days. Advanced versions of the hair drug test can go up to as long as 3 years. Pot is usually detected via the urine drug test. To pass a drug test you will have to sufficiently dilute your urine in a proper and systematic manner by drinking water, exercising and taking in vitamin B and aspirin pills.

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