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  • January 20th, 2011

    Marijuana Drug Testing Information

    Read the marijuana drug testing information.

    Marijuana is the highly abused drug on the streets of United States. As per the reports of National Institute on Drug Abuse, marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug. Urinalysis is the common method employed to screen the presence of marijuana in the system. Marijuana has the highest detection window and it remains detectable in the system for about 3-4 months after its last use. Now that you have an idea about the day on which the drug test for marijuana will be conducted, you will have to put in the right efforts to come clear in the test. There are several reports about people who failed hair drug test. You are lucky enough if you have a week in hand before the drug testing as it will help you flush off the toxins from the system. A number of drug stores have excellent products to help get rid off toxins.

    Detoxification is necessary when it comes to marijuana as it can be easily detected in the system. If you are thinking about detoxification, then there are several detox solutions available in the market. However they might help you pass a urine drug test only. If you are been called in for some other drug test, then detox products are not the option. Moreover the labs now perform a specimen integrity test that checks the presence of adulterants and masking agents in the sample. THC metabolites get stored in the fat cells and it is thus difficult to eliminate them. It is argued that THC never leaves the brain. It is essential to burn the fat cells as it will release the metabolites in the bloodstream. The metabolites then get redirected to the bladder and are eliminated.

    Exercising is an effective method of increasing the body metabolism rate of the system and boost the detoxification process. Working hard and exercising will burn the lipid cells of the system that stores the THC metabolites. However you need to stop exercising 2 days prior to the test as this will release more metabolites in the urine. There are several methods to flush out the toxins, however the initiative has to be yours!


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