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  • December 24th, 2010

    Marijuana Drug Testing Passing Test

    Marijuana Drug Testing Passing Test

    Marijuana is commonly known as pot. It is a mild drug and is the most popular drug in many locations across the world. It is especially popular among school and college students. The psychoactive substance inside pot is tetra hydro cannabinol or THC. It is responsible for all the effects of pot – an increased heart rate, change in blood pressure and a feeling of extreme optimism and an illusion of being in control of the situation around you. There is accelerated speech and activity and increased alertness.

    Urine drug testing is usually employed to detect the use of pot. In case of chronic users, the urine test has a maximum 90 day detection period for THC. That is to say, the urine drug test can detect pot 90 days after a chronic user last used it. The best way to pass a drug test is to abstain from drugs. Sometimes a false positive can result – a non-user testing positive due to consumption of certain foods and medicines before the test. To avoid this, stay away from such stuff. As an additional precaution you can also go for drug detox i.e. removing drug toxin residues from your body.

    Here are some methods for marijuana drug testing passing test:

    For at least a week before the test abstain from the drug and adopt a healthy lifestyle. This should include regular fat burning exercise, drinking a lot of water and eating a balanced healthy diet. Fats store THC. Burning fats breaks down THC that is then removed from the body by water through urine. The diet prevents addition of any more toxins.

    These steps discolor the urine and can make your detox attempts apparent to the testers. They can then make you undergo a second, more stringent test. To avoid this, take vitamin B tablets that restore the color of the urine to the characteristic dark yellow.

    In case of a surprise test, you will need to keep a bottle of cranberry juice and water ready with you. The combination will break down THC in the body and flush it out through urine.

    How to pass