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  • December 19th, 2010

    Marijuana How To Pass A Drug Test

    Read about marijuana how to pass a drug test.

    Drug tests are conducted in many institutions. Some employers may give prior intimation of the drug screening, but some prefer random drug tests. Many people do not prefer the idea of random drug test as they do not have sufficient time to prepare for the test and their job is at stake. In that situation one will have to completely rely up on the detox products and drug test solutions available in many drugstores. But if one has ample of time then he/she can go for home remedies to pass drug test.

    All you need to know at the very beginning is the duration for which each drug stays in the system. One can avail this information from various websites on drug tests. Basically no drug stays in the system for more than 3 days, marijuana being an exception. Marijuana can stay in the system for as long as 90 days. So if you are going to be tested for marijuana then it is going to be a difficult task. Marijuana is the most commonly abused and tested for drug in United States and many other nations as well.

    The best way to pass a drug test for marijuana is stop smoking at least you pass a drug test. Dilution is an effective method of flushing the toxins from the system. Hyper saturation by drinking lots of fluids can lower the concentration of drug metabolites in the system and help one register negative for marijuana. Drink hefty glasses of water daily for a week or two prior to the test. Water being a natural cleanser can help eliminate the residues faster.

    Diuretics can help to a great extent to flush the harmful toxins from the system by stimulating urination. Marijuana drug test clean cranberry juice is effective. Go for cranberry juice or green tea. Exercising will help to a great extent by increasing the body metabolism rate of the system. This will burn the fat cells and release the THC metabolites in the bloodstream which were stored there. Stop exercising 2 days prior to the test. Do not go on a diet instead include more vegetables in your diet. These tips will surely help one beat a drug test for marijuana.

    How to pass