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  • December 24th, 2010

    Marijuana In System Drug Test

    Read about marijuana in system drug test.

    Marijuana is the most widely used drug in United States and many other nations as well. Marijuana is also famous as pot, weed grass and herb. Marijuana can be consumed in many forms although abusers prefer smoking pot. If marijuana is ingested orally, the effects of the drug are stronger and will last for longer duration of time. Marijuana drug test screens for the presence of THC, the psychoactive ingredient of marijuana. THC being fat soluble metabolite gets stored in the kidneys, liver and fatty cells of the system. Owing to this fact, marijuana remains for a longer duration of time in the system.

    Marijuana is eliminated from the system very slowly and can be easily detected in urine, hair, blood or oral fluids. The retention time of marijuana metabolites vary form user to user depending upon the degree and frequency of exposure to the drugs. How much water to drink before a drug test will however depend upon the frequency of drug use and the drug testing method you are going to be subjected to! Marijuana can be detected by a urine drug test for a period up to 10 days and 45 days for occasional and regular users respectively. If one is totally crazy about pot and is a chronic user then the detection period can extend up to 90 days. Blood tests give detection time lesser than the urine tests. This is because the kidneys store the THC metabolites, processes them and then excrete all the toxins. The toxins can be detected in the bloodstream for about 12-24 hours.

    Hair drug tests are effective in tracing the drug use history for greater period. As you smoke the drug metabolites get encased in the hair shaft. The drug test extracts the hair sample from any part of the system. The longer the hair the longer the history of drug use will be revealed. This arbitrarily limits the detection period to about three months. Marijuana detox is essential when it comes passing a drug test and avoiding all the negative consequences!

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