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  • December 19th, 2010

    Marijuana In Your System

    Read about marijuana in your system!

    Marijuana is the most commonly abused and tested for illicit drug in united sates and many other nations. Marijuana is usually smoked. Sometimes it is mixed in food stuffs and brewed with tea as well. THC is the most psychoactive ingredient of marijuana that can get one high. A marijuana drug test is the analysis of the urine, blood or hair of the subject to determine the presence of THC in the system. So if you are thinking how can you pass a saliva drug test or a urine drug test for marijuana then you ought to read this article.

    Marijuana can give a false positive which means that THC metabolites can be identified even if it wasn’t used. This can be the case of second hand smoke where one comes in contact with marijuana smokers and inhale the harmful metabolites. The quantity as well as frequency of time for which one smoked is responsible for the duration of time in which marijuana stays in the system. Generally marijuana can be detected for 10-14 days after the use of drug. But for consistent users this time period can extended up to 30 to 90 days.

    The breakdown products of marijuana can be detected in urine for weeks even after stopping its use depending upon the physiological factors of the subject. Urine drug test are effective in determining the use of drug in the past and cannot detect the recent use. In case of blood drug test, positive drug test result can be obtained within a few hours of smoking. Consistent users can get a positive after a day or two as well. Metabolites can be detected in saliva for 12-24 hours to a max period of 3 days.

    Hair drug test is the most accurate and reliable method of detection of marijuana drug and it is very difficult to pass drug test is hair sample is been asked for. It can detect the drugs months after its use! So one needs to be very careful if he/she is been called for a hair drug test.

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