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  • December 19th, 2010

    Marijuana Passing Drug Test

    Read about marijuana passing drug test

    Marijuana is a commonly and widely used drug all over the globe. It is a weed which can be grown in home also. This is one of the reasons why the consumption of this drug is increasing at such a high rate. To stop the preset number from increasing drug tests especially for marijuana or THC as it is also called are conducted everywhere. If you are also a weed user then you should be aware of how to marijuana passing drug test. How to do that? Read this article to know it.

    To pass a marijuana drug test is quite easy if you know that how the drug works on your system, effects of marijuana and drug testing periods. Marijuana is weed and gets stored in the body after consumption in the lipid cells of the person. When these fat cells are burnt then they are excreted through different ways from the body but most of it is excreted form the urine. This is the reason why many drug tests for THC use the urine of the person.

    However you can use the same point to escape from the failing a drug test, you can clean your urine sample or dilute it in some way. This can be done by frequent urination. You can use diuretics to urinate frequently. Besides this common trick there are many others ways of marijuana passing drug test. Some of them are listed below, read them:

    1. Exercise: To burn fats you need to spend your energy and what can be better than using it for loosing your flab also. This is a healthy tip. Burn fats and drink lots of water. It will make you healthy and also drug free.

    2. Detox products: These products work well. They clean your body from drugs right from within the body. So that you can pass every drug test easily. Detox shampoos help you pass hair follicle test which is said to be the most advanced of all the others.

    3. Save yourself from those who smoke marijuana, because even this can get you caught. If you stand next to pa person smoking weed then the smoke particles can rest on your hair or get in your system when you inhale them. This can lead to a second hand smoke which is also considered as a crime equal to consuming drugs directly.

    All the above ideas will surely help you to pass a drug test of marijuana.

    How to pass