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  • December 24th, 2010

    Marijuana Stays In Your System

    Know the factors, due to which marijuana stays in your system for long.

    With the different drug testing form, you can check out marijuana presence from the person’s body over certain period of time. Amount of drug abuse as well as smoking history leaves greater impact on detection period. For example, if person used marijuana once in his entire life, then with urine drug testing you can check its presence after 48-72 hours. If person is more addicted to marijuana, then even after 12 weeks you can check THC metabolic presence through urine testing. Drug marijuana stays in your system for long. However, drug metabolic conversion rate and your drug history are the two main constituents.

    As per the recent survey by one of the leading detoxification product company marijuana and its metabolites (THC- Tetrahydrocannabinol) have ability to stay in person’s body right from 3-90 days long period. There are so many influencing factors on which presence of drug toxins depend. It gets vary from person to person. Hence the figures you receive from the online sites and news papers are tentative one. You can not predict your exact result from those values. Few to take example like mode of drug testing, your overall health status, body mass, daily fluid intake, sort of detoxification method you select etc. If you take direct measurement, then your smoking habit leaves far greater impact on THC accumulation.

    There are so many drug tests alternatives you can have to detect marijuana presence. From hair follicle test to urine test you can readily measure. Luckily there are some detoxifications products who try to remove drug metabolites from your body completely. They sell urine substitution sample so that you can cheat your urine drug testing successfully. To pass the hair follicle drug test, they have some detox shampoos which readily clear THC presence from hair shafts.

    Another good reason to pass the drug test is, you can check drug metabolite level inside your body by your own. Home base drug testing kits are readily available in all the leading pharmaceutical stores. With the help of them, you can know your result ahead of time. If there is higher percentage of drug metabolites, you can take related detox treatments in order to pass a drug test.

    How to pass