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  • January 20th, 2011

    Marijuana Testing

    Understand the ways to conduct marijuana testing as well as most trusted remedies to beat them.

    Drug testing is the only and surest way to know about drug presence. Actually every drug test except blood drug test takes into account metabolites presence of the drug. Marijuana metabolites are very slow in nature and takes time for complete removal. If you are chronic marijuana user then situation gets worse. Only one remedy remains for passing marijuana testing is lowering down the cut off concentration of metabolites. For first phase threshold value is 50 ng/ mL where as for GC/ MS phase level of detection gets lower down to 25ng/ ml. There are so many products available in the market which is readily help to achieve clean result. You will get to know about them through online research. Along with the detoxification products give home made remedies support.

    There are ways to check marijuana presence inside the body. However most used method is urine testing. Though it is simple and easy to conduct it is first choice for the employers. Besides this fact, urine testing is simple to beat and any one can perform adulteration tactics on it. Second preference is given to hair drug testing. Though its conduction is quite complex, reliability and accuracy you got from respected drug test is unbeaten. Another plus point of hair drug testing is you can dig out long smoking history of the person. Other than these two methods saliva drug testing is conducted in some places. Though it have very less detection window period, it can successfully used as way of random drug testing.

    Half life of marijuana metabolites is not more than 10day period. Though there are so many influencing factors on this period, term it as approximate value. It depends on individual’s metabolic rate, body mass, drug history etc. Infrequent users of marijuana shows greater support to pass drug test remedy then chronic users. They possess little detection time as well. Chronic user all together with slow metabolic conversion rate have highest detection window period. It may get exceed up to the 3-6 months long period. If you have little extra time in hand, then defiantly try out home remedies to pass drug test. Very first, you can make use of it for long time period which in turn proves very helpful for complete removal of drug metabolites.

    How to pass