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  • February 16th, 2011

    Marijuana Testing Analysis

    Read about marijuana testing analysis.

    Testing for marijuana use is becoming quite popular in job markets these days. A drug test is not only performed for health reasons but also for safety issues. Marijuana is a greenish grey mixture of dried leaves, stems, seeds and flowers of hemp plant named cannabis sativa. Marijuana is smoked through hand rolled cigarettes, cigars, pipes or using water pipes. The main psychoactive ingredient of marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol generally famous as THC. It is responsible for getting one high. Over the past couple of decades, the use of marijuana in United States is steeping high. There hasn’t been a formula to compute how long the drug metabolites are likely to stay in the system. The known detection periods are arbitrary.

    While performing marijuana testing analysis, the specimens are screened for the presence of THC. Removal of THC from a person’s system might require time period anywhere between 10 to 90 days depending upon the frequency and amount of pot smoked, age, sex, metabolism and body mass of the subject. There are marijuana tests that are used to verify the use of marijuana by screening the urine, blood, hair, sweat or saliva specimens. Urine drug test is the most common method employed because of their ease and low performance cost. This test is one of the reliable methods to detect the presence of THC today. Many people wonder do saliva drug test screen for marijuana. Well the saliva drug test can provide the most instantaneous results for the use of marijuana. This test is best to be performed at home and workplaces on a total random basis.

    Hair follicle drug test can provide longer history of drug use about 3 months back. It has always been more effective than urinalysis to identify the users of marijuana. The marijuana testing analysis evaluates the amount of THC metabolites embedded in the hair shafts utilizing a small sample cut close to the scalp. Perspiration is also an approved test for marijuana. The main disadvantage of sweat patch drug testing is that the production of liquid perspiration varies with temperature changes and amount of physical activity. There are several ways adopted to pass drug test for marijuana but none of them are proven effective. The only guaranteed method is abstinence from weed!

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