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  • February 16th, 2011

    Marijuana Testing Time Table

    Info on marijuana testing time table.

    Marijuana, also known by different names by pot, smoke, grass, hook and weed etc. is the highly abused drug in the world. Marijuana metabolites are fat soluble in nature. Hence they remain in the body for longer period time. With natural cycles it takes almost 3 months period. This is quite long. Another fact is that, longer the metabolites remain in the body, they generate more craving. Hence, it is also one of the key ways of rehab process. However, marijuana detection time is directly depending on drug potency. Know relation in between marijuana testing time table and drug potency used by the abuser.

    If person had shot once in a while then its traces remain in the body for 6-8 days only. For casual user it takes 18-20 days period. Person who is casual user can eliminate the drug traces in 5-6 days through natural cycle. You will get drug detection period from internet. Though there are different influencing factors on this detection period. Drug detection period talks about last time you are having shots. Drug potency, type of specimens used for checking, cut off concentration, body’s metabolic type are these influencing factors. With marijuana testing time table, you can understand their common names, medical properties if any and how long they remain in the system. Detection period takes into consideration type of specimen. With saliva drug detection you will not trace drug metabolites after 3-4 days. Same with the hair drug screening you can go beyond 3 months time period. Urine analysis is most common drug screening format though. It have moderate detection period, which is it trace down drug metabolites up to 7-8 days time period.

    Adulterating or altering urine samples to cheat the drug test is most common practice to mask the drug metabolites. Typical adulteration process consists of adding some substances directly inside the sample so that they can mask the metabolic presence. Often asked in online forums about can you pass a drug test by drinking vinegar. Drinking vinegar is best option if you are looking for urine additive. Have vinegar properly mixed with warm water. If you are running short from the time then substitution will be best remedy. Swap your samples with your friend sample and without any tension get clean result. Use of synthetic urine is another proven way.

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