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  • December 24th, 2010

    Marijuana Use Drug Test

    read to know about marijuana use drug test.

    Marijuana also known as weed or pot because it is a weed and many smoke it in a pot. It you smoke marijuana then you are called as a pot smoker. This weed is claimed to be abusive and its use illegal. The rapid increase in the use of this drug has lead to special drug tests for it. If you are marijuana user then you should reda this article to know about marijuana use drug test.

    Marijuana is consumed by most drug users all over the world. According to statistics, more that forty percent of drugs users use marijuana alone. The concept on the basis of which this drug is detected can also be used to escape from the insults of failing a weed drug test. The basic idea is that when a person consumes marijuana, not all is used by the body to cause hallucinating effects. Some of it is stored in the body in the lipid cells or commonly known as the fat cells. When the cells are burnt then these stored drug particles are released and come out of the body through urination. Thus the urine of the person can tell you if he or she as consumed marijuana within a span of time which is know as the window period or the detection time. For urine the detection period is up to three days and can be extended up to week.

    The same concept can be used to save you from being caught for consuming illicit marijuana. You just need to burn your fat cells faster than they normally do, drink excess of water and then urinate frequently. This will reduce the concentration of marijuana in your system and help you pass drug test easily. This is a logical and naturally ways to escape from a drug test for marijuana or any other drugs that also performs the same work on your system.

    The detectability of winstrol in drug tests is as high as marijuana. This drug is used to get desired physical shape and make your body appear toned and fit. There are chances that if you consume winstrol then it can also be detected in a drug test.

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