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  • January 20th, 2011

    Methadone Drug Test

    Avail for some interesting facts about methadone drug test.

    If you look at the latest report generated by SAMHSA, they conclude that there are almost 161 different specimens which proved to be culprit for false positive result. Most of the substances are very common ingredients in over the counter medicines. As per drug testing authority, they said it is a classic case of misinterpretation and panic reactions. This is real worry and strict action need to be taken against such laboratories. Main cause behind methadone drug test is to generate awareness against this drug. However, techniques which are normally used are failing to control drug abuse. It is fact that these movement really not getting good response.

    Methadone drug test is conducted through urine screening usually. It is simplest form to know about methadone metabolites. Not necessary you need to go laboratory for checking, it can be achieve through home base drug testing kit as well. If you look at the results get back from EMIT test shows that there are more than 250 medicines which are directly reflects into positive result. Most of these medicines are for allergies, cough, diabetic treatment, urinal infection etc. Chances of getting false positive result for methadone drug test are higher due to medicine Nyquil Nighttime. It is main ingredient of cough syrup shows false positive test for Methadone. Nyquil Nighttime shows its presence up to max two days period. Here take into consideration that, methadone is not natural substance. It describe as synthetic opiates. Hence you can not detect its presence just by only urine testing. However, due to its cost effectiveness most of the companies prefer this testing form.

    However, you can not rely completely on result you get back from urine testing. Main reason behind it is there are so many tampering ways to beat urine testing. Besides adulteration it is always advisable to know remedies for marijuana detoxification. Marijuana is fat soluble substance. Hence, fat burning works best on throwing marijuana metabolites out of the system. Removal process of THC metabolites is quite difficult as they restore inside fat cells. One such remedy to get from drug metabolites is use of detoxification products. To pass a drug test nothing work better than giving up drugs completely.

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